Lucky Clucks Residents
We have 3 coops currently, but are looking to combine 2 coops to make it easier for cleaning and egg collecting.
All the Single Ladies- our first coop
Home to 6 hens. Established 2022.
Goldie. Smallzy. 4 no name Columbia Rocks.
The Fluffy Butt Hut
9 hens. 1 Rooster.
4 silkie hens. Sage. Steel. Mohawk. Stripey.
1 silkie rooster. Doby
5 heritage breed hens. Thelma. Louise. Max. Whitey 1. Whitey 2.
No Cock Castle- the babies only born in 2023.
19 hens of various breeds.
Zelda. Scarlett. Dorothy. Roo. Pen. Moo. Oreo. The rest are unnamed.